Intercultural Outreach Initiative is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt, Non-Profit, Non-Stock Corporation. Our financial records are publicly available at 2103 Coral Way, Suite 202, Miami, FL 33145
Notice of Non-Discriminatory Policy
By Laws of Intercultural Outreach Initiative
Terms and Conditions for volunteering with IOI
Notice of Non-Discriminatory Policy to PARTICIPANTS
The Intercultural Outreach Initiative (IOI) is committed to providing a safe, flexible and respectful environment for staff and participants free from all forms of discrimination, bullying, and sexual harassment. IOI admits participants of any age, religion, race, national and ethnic origin, gender identity, and sexual orientation to participate in IOI-organized projects and activities on Isabela Island, Galapagos.
IOI does not discriminate against persons with a disability or medical history however, considering the living and working conditions in our remote location, in addition to the availability of only basic medical services, IOI reserves the right to deny participation of those persons whose disabilities and/or medical history may endanger them with their participation / are not suited to participating on Isabela Island, Galapagos.
All staff and participants are required to treat others with dignity, courtesy and respect to maintain a positive working environment for everyone.
Bylaws of Intercultural Outreach Initiative
The name of the organization shall be Intercultural Outreach Initiative.
The organization may at its pleasure by a vote of the Board of Directors change its name.
The principal office of the Corporation in the State of Florida shall be located in Key Largo Key in the County of Monroe. The Corporation may have such other offices, either within or without the State of Florida as the Board of Directors may designate or as the business of the Corporation may require from time to time.
The Corporation is organized and shall be operated exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes, including but not limited to the support and conduct of research, development, scientific and educational activities for the protection and preservation of the Island of Isabela, Galapagos, Ecuador.